+64 (0)27 4348 825

A values-based & value bearing core story

Having a clear ‘core story’ is at the heart of strategic success.

Whether it’s an underlying sense of purpose or a distilled essence - of a project, proposition, brand, product, change initiative or programme - the more clarity you have, the greater the likelihood you will realise its potential and long term value.

By first distilling a clear sense of this core story, we will work with you to discover, develop and enact the right set of actions and initiatives required to keep everyone on the same page and achieve success.

Values-based AND value-bearing
After three decades at the forefront of major change in New Zealand’s arts and museum sector, Tim Walker’s approach begins by exploring a deepened sense of values. From that basis he works with clients to explore ways of unlocking the new layers of value required for sustainable success.

It’s a philosophy based on moving from OR to AND: